Our team

We’re a versatile team of individuals navigating our way through careers in technology and finance. We’re passionate to learn from those that have blazed a path and have a unique story to tell to inspire the next generation of innovators and technologists.

  • Ryan Malani

    Host | Solutions Architect @ INflow Federal

    Software engineer by trade, technologist by heart. Currently working as a Solutions Architect at INflow Federal, a small business with a focus in Software, ML & Data Analytics, Network Engineering and Design, Cloud Computing and Architecture, and Cybersecurity for the Department of Defense and other Federal government customers. Student and undergraduate researcher at Marymount University.

Founded Wired Wisdom

The start of something big.

Our first guest appearance

Our first guest, , appears on the podcast, and shares ___ career story that landed _____________ role at ______.

Frequently asked questions

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